Sunday, November 23, 2014

21 Day fix Meal Plan for week 11/23-11/29

$191 later at Big Y with the extras for the family, (Pistachios, steak, steel cut oats, soda)
A meal plan was created. This trip should last around 10 days and I'll go back on Wednesday to get some more of the buy 1 get 2 free deals before the sale is over.

My Plan on the 21 day fix is the highest bracket. I'm also nursing. Some of the numbers are a bit different because we have Thanksgiving this week!
My plan is 6 red and green, 4 purple and yellow, 1 blue, 1 red.

I color coded everything, as well as you can see on the right hand side how many total containers I should be having for the week.

Friday, November 21, 2014

21 day fix on a budget!

There are probably a lot of people who are thinking, no way! Junk food is cheaper!

Well we're going to create a meal plan that is on a budget using local deals, thats healthy and that you can also get a VARIETY. Too many times I see meal plans and its the SAME thing every single day. BOOOOORING. I need some variance in my life.
The closest store is Big Y. Then stop and shop. Sometimes I do peapod service because of having the kids. It's a great service! You can pick up to avoid the $7-10 delivery charge, or you can have it delivered! (Typically what I do) You can also give them manufacturer coupons when they drop off your order to deduct from your total.
For those interested, please click on my referral link where you will be able to help me feed my family but also get $20 off your order to feed your family! Win win!

Back to the topic on hand.
Big Y is B1G2 free this week, so that will get me the most for my money.
I already have some ground beef and yogurt, I don't eat steak and we're going to be having turkey for thanksgiving so I can take leftovers. With everything I'm getting this should equal $90, and last 10 days, if not more for the chicken. I will most likely go back on Wednesday to grab more of the b1g2 free deals before they expire. Like the chicken.
 My list is:
Perdue chicken breast 
steam fresh veggies
San georgino pasta
cooked salad shrimp 
Wheat Bread
Steel Cut oats
Deli Meat

Most of these I will be getting 9 of to take advantage of the buy 1 get 2 free deals. Then on top I will add in the few things extra my kids and husband like to eat, so food shopping should be around 100-125 without coupons.

Now time to search for some coupons and make the meal plan before shopping!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Starting the 21 Day fix.

Ok, here we go! Yet another "diet regimen" I can fail at.
Well I'm hoping thats not the case for the 21 day fix.

I am looking at the 21 day fix as a change of lifestyle. Yes, I will make some bad choices, yes I will probably eat bad things, BUT the 21 day fix will show me how to portion; how to make BETTER choices. Instead of eating an entire bag of doritos ( they put drugs in them to make you want MOOOORE?!) I will only have like 5-6 or I will make my own corn Tortilla Chips, where I can then have 16 because it's healthier.
It's all about the choices you make. It's 80% diet, 20% exercise.

Here's to a new. Healthy. ME :)

So where does one start her journey in losing weight? Well first we take the before and after pictures and take the measurements. I'm not ready to share the before yet, but measurements are good.

Bust: 51
Waist: 44
Hips: 54
Thighs: L: 28 R: 28 1/2
Arms: L: 14 R: 14 1/2
Weight: 247.6   :'(

I have a Long term goal of 160 pounds. This will allow me to play with my kids, donate eggs, and be over all healthy and not hate looking at myself. I believe this goal will take me 2 years.

In the mean time, my accountability partner Katie and I will be focusing on 5 pounds! We both weigh about the same, give or take a couple pounds and we both want to lose roughly the same (me a bit more). But we have our goal "Pictures" in mind. Having 2 kids, I'm not sure its entirely possible, but we'll soon find out :)

So for every 5 pounds we lose, we get something. BOTH of us have to lose those 5 pounds though. It'll help motivate the other so we both get something.

Next we need a plan, but I'm also an extreme couponer, so spending hundreds of money on a new "plan" is NOT in my budget. So in addition to taking this journey with me, we're going to be doing the 21 day on a BUDGET!

Stay tuned, because we're far from over, but it's time to go match deals, coupons and meal plan. More tomorrow. :)

By the way. I am not a beach body coach.