Monday, April 11, 2022

Returning to the lost world.

Would you believe it's been years since I created a blog post?

I can.

In all honesty, I never took my writing career seriously after graduating from college and having realized journalism is not the path I wanted to go down. I did an internship for a local paper. I wrote a few articles for the paper and hated not having the creative freedom that came with writing a book or poetry. It felt like all my dreams had come crashing down after that career was no longer an option for me. I could write a book or go into a job I knew I would hate. Have you ever gone to spent thousands of dollars on something, then realized how much you truly didn't like it? In my heart, I knew if I stayed in journalism, it would make me hate writing forever.  In writing books, you needed time and a publisher. I was about to be a mom. I knew I wouldn't have time to write a book or go on tour if it got to that point with a newborn. Then, life gets in the way.

 In the last couple of years, I've had some time to think about what I wanted in life. I ran a couple of MLM businesses and a business of my own (in which I only ended because, again, my heart wasn't in it) over many years. The answer always came back the same thing.

I want to be a writer.

Recently, I had an extreme realization that there wasn't any job or business in my life that was going to bring me happiness. That I would always be searching for "the next thing." So I wrote down a list.

What I'm looking for in a job:

Time with my family.

Be my own boss.

Something that I enjoy.

Something that pays the bills.

Wow, I am looking for a miracle, huh? At least, that's what it sounds like on paper.

After talking to my husband, I said, "ok. I'll come up with a business plan. If I can make a business plan in 24 hours, I'll return to the business scene. If I can't, I'll figure out something else to do with my life." 

Well, everything I kept coming up with involved writing of some sort:

Writing a curriculum;

Writing a blog;

Writing a book;

Writing a meal plan;

Writing. Writing. Writing.

Or vlogging.

I said to my husband, "Our kids are older now. I want to return to writing." He told me to go for it.

So I did!

I took the first step, and I did the first thing any other person would do! I sat at the computer and I..


What am I supposed to be writing? 

What kind of writer do I want to be? 

Who is my audience?

Where do I want my work seen? 

I am re-entering a world I am now completely lost in. Technology has advanced our world tremendously, and only for the better. 

To the drawing board, I went to do the research. Only to find out: technology really has advanced our world tremendously, especially for those in my field. My possibilities in writing are endless. Reading article after article, blog after blog, and week after week, I came to the main conclusion. 

I need to sit down and WRITE.

I'm still lost, I'm still overwhelmed, and I'm still learning, but I'm writing again. 

I hope you'll join me on this journey along with a few others. 

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