Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gripe water vs tummy soother

So there I am in rite aid after sharing a long and great afternoon celebrating the fact that my father will be 50 on Monday, (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!) My son had been upset for the good majority of the day. Which wasn't surprising after our night yesterday.
Let me give you a little insight. My son doesn't cry unless hes hungry or alone/wants to be picked up. Rarely crys. Ever. Last night he was wailing out crys of pain, tears coming down his eyes, the look of pure agony and selflessness, as well as the look of MOMMY FIX THIS! My poor baby! :( So who do you call when you know your baby has a gas bubble that won't come out? Your mum!
My mum had also never heard him cry like this and it was also heart wrenching to her. But alas, mother knows best. She told me to put a heating bad between us and it'll help. Lo and behold... IT DID!
So we were hoping that'd be the end of it.


All today we was whiney and uncomfortable. I knew about gripe water from a friend of mine when her baby was born. She talked highly about it. Not really caring back then because it was after I was told I couldn't have any more children, I just brushed it off. Well today I went to the store to get some.

Here I am. Pharmecy closed. Four different options in front of me. Name Brand Gripe Water. Or with flavor. Gentle Naturals Tummy Soothers and Little Remedies. Well the Little Remedies didn't have what I was looking for. So it was between these two brands. Of course I'm looking at price (Gripe: 12.50 Soothers: 6) I'm looking at active and other ingredients. I'm looking at what it helps. So I said you know what, buy both, try the cheaper one, if we don't like it, I'll bring it back.

Let me tell you. Within 2 minutes I saw a HUGE difference! It was like a miracle for babies! The Soothers does contain Fructose and isn't organic and vegan friendly like gripe water is. But honestly, for a $6 difference that works exactly the same, a little sugar won't kill him from time to time. And if he's happier for it, then my sanity is also happier!

Anyway, so far after 1 try I can't talk about this product enough and NO I'm not endorsed to say anything of this. It's my personal opinion.

To end this: Happy Birthday on Monday Daddy!


  1. Gripe water was such an awesome find for my family! It tastes terrible though, however, my daughter didn't mind a bit!
    Gripe water

    1. I completely agree! We've eventually had to use both and I do prefer the Gripe Water over Soothers just for the fructose content, but It's amazing how it makes such an impact!
