Sunday, October 7, 2012


In today's society, there are many ways to cheat, flirt or act inappropriate towards another person that is not their significant other. People acting suspicious when they should be trustworthy. They may feel its completely harmless, when in actual fact, it's destroying the other person and making things worse.

People are naturally jealous. And it can be about a NUMBER of things.
Better job
Significant others

And many more.

But it doesn't help when people blatantly hide things to "protect" someone, because it just makes you seem more suspicious. Being jealous from time to time is normal...
So how do you deal with the jealous feelings you are experiencing daily?
What are the causes of jealousy?

Lets start with the causes.

The most common is your insecurity about yourself.
Another is suspicion.
and Finally, negative thinking.

So how do you deal with these jealous feelings?
First talk about your insecurities, and why you feel the way you do.
        Make sure you remain calm and continue to talk about your feelings and not attacking the person for how they are behaving. This results in fights, and unnecessary arguments that could have been avoided.

Second, try to think about things in a more positive way. Instead of going straight for "I will never lose weight" or "He's cheating on me" Come up with a more positive alternative. "If I exercise 3 times a week, it will take a while to see results, but I will feel better about myself."

Finally, Gain more information. This is hard and can either be a positive thing or a negative thing. The negative would be how you get the information. You could end up causing an even bigger fight, than just talking to a person calmly. So keep in mind, when obtaining more information, how it will effect things long term and if you'd like someone doing that to you.

$20 challenge:  I was working a lot this weekend and studying for a test... so sometimes life gets in the way.
October 6: 1.37 in Inbox Dollars
                  2.34 in App Trailers
October 7 (So far) 1.50 in Inbox dollars
                 .38 in Jing it
                 Total so far: 5.59. OUCH! Lowest yet... but I'll get back on the ball tomorrow! Maybe its time to head to ebay! :)

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