Friday, May 10, 2013


Today I took my measurements.

My Original Measurements

Upper chest  42.50
Lower chest (bust) 50
Upper hip 48.5
Lower Hip 51
Waist 44
Midriff 44
Upper thigh 31
Mid thigh 29
Calf  17
Upper Arm 15.5

MY new measurements

Upper chest -1 inch
Lower chest (bust) -.50 in
Upper hip -1.5 in
Lower Hip -2in
Waist Gained .5 inch
Midriff - 3.50 in
Upper thigh -2.5 in
Mid thigh -3.5 in
Calf stayed the same
Upper Arm stayed the same
Down 1 more pound

Difference between Ripped in 30 and Body Revolution

Day 3: Cardio
Must admit my absolute favorite. No time to kill in between and the 30 minutes goes by so fast. Even took about a 2 hour walk today around the mall. (total of 4 hours but I'm sure sitting and standing around need to be calculated lol)

All in all I feel GREAT!! Tomorrow is weigh in and measurements! :)

Ok so apparently someone got to my page googling "is jillian michaels ripped in 30 the same as body revolution" Which hey by all means if that's how I'm going to get traffic, awesome :)

So the difference between the 2.

First I haven't completed either of them but I do own and have watched all the worked outs in the first 2 weeks of both workouts. The Ripped in 30 DVD gets pretty intense but its easy stuff that does a lot of focusing on the abs. Also takes less time. So you do push ups, squats, leg lifts. You also NEVER see the same exercise twice! Which keeps the change of pace that much more worth it. Its also 20minutes a day for 30 days.

With BR, Its a 90 day program and 30 minutes. Which I feel means longer results. But theres 3 phases. (kind of 4 if you include the kick start diet I didn't do) Phase 1 starts with weeks 2-5 and has 5 dvds. Weeks 1 and 2 you do work out 1, 2, cardio, 1, 2, cardio rest. Weeks 3 and 4 workout 3, 4 cardio, 3, 4, cardio. Basically all of these carried on through the programs with the other consecutive dvds.

A lot of the exercises are the same! But its because they work. Keep in mind... if youre doing them in an apartment, its best if youre on the bottom floor ;)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Officially Started the Body Revolution...

So yesterday I OFFICIALLY started the body revolution. I was doing a great job last week and eating wonderfully. After this Saturday I just couldn't get back on that bandwagon AT ALL.
So today I really watched what I ate, stayed busy and thus far have only had 4 glasses of water (this is a goal for me... to drink 10 a day)

So Day 1. Couldn't finish. I had taken a 75 minute walk with my best friend husband and kids. Which wasn't planned, but I still wanted to do Jillian Michaels, because I really was just feeling GUILTY. I still also haven't taken my "naked" picture. I'm just not proud... this is also another goal. So I made it 23 minutes out of the 30. Yes, I know, those last 7 minutes!! However, I have sports asthma and had to keep stopping, so rather. I stopped short, allowed my asthma to rest and continued on today on phase 1 workout 2.

Day 2. Only have to stop 3 times for water (to keep my asthma at bay). Because my back and legs are bad (Back due to the epidural from having my son, legs because I screwed up my leg playing volleyball and need PT because the veins in my legs get locked and they have to release them.) I had to do modified versions of some of the exercises (one routine you put your leg over your knee and do pelvic thrusts. Well because of my leg it causes me physical pain.) So for these I just do extended pelvic thrusts.

Tomorrow is Day 3, Cardio 1. And Friday I weigh in and will take my measurements. Although at that point it will be for only have a week. I think I might stay on weeks one and 2 a few days longer only to start week three and four on a Sunday. (Saturday is my rest day since I work third shift)

Also tomorrow I think I might ad in Ripped in 30 in the morning/afternoon. We'll see though!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gripe water vs tummy soother

So there I am in rite aid after sharing a long and great afternoon celebrating the fact that my father will be 50 on Monday, (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!) My son had been upset for the good majority of the day. Which wasn't surprising after our night yesterday.
Let me give you a little insight. My son doesn't cry unless hes hungry or alone/wants to be picked up. Rarely crys. Ever. Last night he was wailing out crys of pain, tears coming down his eyes, the look of pure agony and selflessness, as well as the look of MOMMY FIX THIS! My poor baby! :( So who do you call when you know your baby has a gas bubble that won't come out? Your mum!
My mum had also never heard him cry like this and it was also heart wrenching to her. But alas, mother knows best. She told me to put a heating bad between us and it'll help. Lo and behold... IT DID!
So we were hoping that'd be the end of it.


All today we was whiney and uncomfortable. I knew about gripe water from a friend of mine when her baby was born. She talked highly about it. Not really caring back then because it was after I was told I couldn't have any more children, I just brushed it off. Well today I went to the store to get some.

Here I am. Pharmecy closed. Four different options in front of me. Name Brand Gripe Water. Or with flavor. Gentle Naturals Tummy Soothers and Little Remedies. Well the Little Remedies didn't have what I was looking for. So it was between these two brands. Of course I'm looking at price (Gripe: 12.50 Soothers: 6) I'm looking at active and other ingredients. I'm looking at what it helps. So I said you know what, buy both, try the cheaper one, if we don't like it, I'll bring it back.

Let me tell you. Within 2 minutes I saw a HUGE difference! It was like a miracle for babies! The Soothers does contain Fructose and isn't organic and vegan friendly like gripe water is. But honestly, for a $6 difference that works exactly the same, a little sugar won't kill him from time to time. And if he's happier for it, then my sanity is also happier!

Anyway, so far after 1 try I can't talk about this product enough and NO I'm not endorsed to say anything of this. It's my personal opinion.

To end this: Happy Birthday on Monday Daddy!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Starting Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and Ripped in 30 soon

Hello again!

So I took all my measurements but figured before I go "into it" I should change some of my eating habits. So I did just that this week and I am proud to say I went from 242 pounds to 237 :) GO ME!
So week 1: down 5 pounds.
This week I will be starting the Kickstart your metabolism. Obviously as close as I can because I do have to consider my son in feeding as well as I'm exclusively Breastfeeding.

I'll report my measurements from last week as well as this weeks to see if theres a difference later tonight or tomorrow.

Today I am celebrating my fathers 50th birthday which is on Monday. WOW! Both of my parents are turning 50 this year!
Have a great day!