Saturday, December 21, 2013

Goals for the New Year?

Everyone starts the new year "fresh".
We all start healthier lives after the big Thanksgiving meals, and Christmas dinners and those DELICIOUS yummy treats! (Seriously...where did December go!?)
Can you blame us?? We probably put on a good 5-10 pounds in 2 months!
Obviously we could all avoid this by having smaller portions, more smaller meals through out the day and exercise. But as many of us are super busy getting the deals, or just love food and holidays, that is not the case.
One way I've always been told to do my goals is to create an ACTION plan.
Don't just put "I want to lose weight", write HOW.
I've also been told to write them as ambitions or inspirations, not Goals.
Instead of making a yearly goal that lasts 2 weeks, give yourself some ambition, drive, or some inspiration to continue your goals past January or February.

My Ambitions:

Lose 75 pounds:
     Drink 120 ounces of water per day
     Eat 2 pounds of salad per day
     Eat a form of protein 3-4 times a day
     Exercise 5-6 hours a week.

Start my Daycare:
     Continue taking the classes and finish the application process.

I will add more ambitions as I think of them :) What are yours? And how do you plan to accomplish them?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 2 of Trixie!

Trixie decided to hang on the light post. She put her scarf and shoes on to go to Santa and to stay warm. 
V also told me today that she doesn't believe In Santa clause 😞 she's 5! Guess l have to figure something out to make her believe 😕