Saturday, December 21, 2013

Goals for the New Year?

Everyone starts the new year "fresh".
We all start healthier lives after the big Thanksgiving meals, and Christmas dinners and those DELICIOUS yummy treats! (Seriously...where did December go!?)
Can you blame us?? We probably put on a good 5-10 pounds in 2 months!
Obviously we could all avoid this by having smaller portions, more smaller meals through out the day and exercise. But as many of us are super busy getting the deals, or just love food and holidays, that is not the case.
One way I've always been told to do my goals is to create an ACTION plan.
Don't just put "I want to lose weight", write HOW.
I've also been told to write them as ambitions or inspirations, not Goals.
Instead of making a yearly goal that lasts 2 weeks, give yourself some ambition, drive, or some inspiration to continue your goals past January or February.

My Ambitions:

Lose 75 pounds:
     Drink 120 ounces of water per day
     Eat 2 pounds of salad per day
     Eat a form of protein 3-4 times a day
     Exercise 5-6 hours a week.

Start my Daycare:
     Continue taking the classes and finish the application process.

I will add more ambitions as I think of them :) What are yours? And how do you plan to accomplish them?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 2 of Trixie!

Trixie decided to hang on the light post. She put her scarf and shoes on to go to Santa and to stay warm. 
V also told me today that she doesn't believe In Santa clause 😞 she's 5! Guess l have to figure something out to make her believe 😕

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 1 - where's Trixie??

Today Trixie was a good girl, V caught her hanging from the kitchen and hallway door! 

We"ll be presenting Trixie with her skirt before bed :)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!!

I wanted to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving!
I LOVE Thanksgiving!!! The food, the family, the laughs. It's absolutely my favorite holiday (coming from a mildly overweight woman....are you surprised ;) haha) 

Every year I say the same thing on Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for family, food and whatever important event happened that year.

Every day I think about how thankful I am for everything I have.

My daughter.
My son. Both of whom are miracles.
My marriage and the man I've been with for 10 years.
A place to live
My love of couponing and how it has saved our family in more ways than one. 
The knowledge to sew
Social Media and Smart phones for providing me a new source to talk with friends that are too busy to hang out, and a place for me to take pictures....10,217 to be exact 
Mine and my husbands families.
My wonderful friends
My job - without it... I couldn't provide for my family the way I'm able to now.

To everyone reading, Have a Happy Thanksgiving! And good luck with those black friday deals

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Breastfeeding on Facebook

Recently I read a blog about a certified lactation consultant that wasn't allowed to promote her ad to like a status about reaching 100 likes on Facebook because she was promoting the sale of use of adult products. There were no pictures or anything! The word BREASTfeeding was written twice. Now we can't promote the word breastfeeding?


Seriously... read the story here.

and now that you've done that... LIKE HER PAGE! -- just to show Facebook "what's up"

So many people are fighting EVERYDAY to prove to the world breastfeeding isn't bad. Hospitals are promoting breastfeeding. WHY is it that social media is having a hard time with a BOOB! They have no problem showing other boobs. Is it because you can't get turned on by the fact that there's a baby on that boob whereas you can with a naked woman? Is the media afraid that if we promote breastfeeding that their way into attracting people is going to change because boobs will be "a thing of the past"? Seriously? WHAT is wrong with breastfeeding?

What about the days where woman SHARED nursing? Does anyone remember that? The phrase "It takes a village" was true because woman shared being mothers. One mother couldn't produce enough? Another woman took over. When did this become so taboo?

I seriously hope... someday in the near future, we'll go over this whole breast is bad thing, and remember: Breast is BEST!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

V's Rapunzel themed 5th birthday!

After over a month of trying to decide what theme she wanted for her birthday, V FINALLY chose Rapunzel.

Last year we had a Princess party and I chose a couple things from each princess for the princess party. This year, I already had a few ideas in mind, a wonderful poster from

Which the Happy Birthday signed was STILL up from last year ;)

I hand made most of the decor and had decided on games, but because the kids were playing so nicely...we didn't do them. Me and V did the day after though.



My very talented best friend made this cake

We had chips, jello boats, maximizes apples, cake and ice cream, rapunzels hair (angel hair pasta) and pretzel twists and cheese, you can see the today's menu poster and the snugly duckling sign. 
The ruffians were holding the food down for us ;)

The games weren't played but they were going to be:
Being the apple (balloon) on a frying pan (below) to Maximus.

Next was a treasure hunt. We have a rapunzel crown, so I hid clues to find the crown in the brown satchel (flynns) like the day they met. 
The first clue: Flower gleam and glow. 
There was a set of flowers on the drink table. 
the second clue: Let your power shine
We hung up lanterns and the clue was hidden near by. 
The third clue: make the clock reverse. 
There was a foam clock I was sure to put out after all the kids had arrived.
Last clue: bring back what once was mine. ---it was hidden behind me ;) 

The last game we were going to play was pin the hair (yarn) on rapunzel. 

All during the party we had the tangled movie... And of course the steelers football game, going for the kids

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Halloween FUN!

This year my kiddos dressed up as Mickey Mouse and Tinkerbell.

Being a couponer, I got their costumes cheaper. Actually, V's we just reused. Her costume we bought when she was 2. So we found a white sweater and white sweat pants, and the tink dress and BOOM. Her costume was done. Pink Rainboots and all!
We also have a local consignment sale and I found a really cute Mickey Mouse Costume. My son was SO ADORABLE!

Halloween was good. I wish we didn't take R out though. He fell asleep 10 minutes in, and I would have rather have kept him warm. But never the less, V had a great time and we were out for about an hour. She filled both (hers and R's) buckets about 1/2 way each for a full bucket, and no. Mommy and Daddy didn't raid it.

What really surprised me was she kept telling everyone "no peanut butter" (Not that she's allergic, but I am and she didn't want it in the house) but the people were SO accommodating to her! They were checking packages or getting definite non peanut contaminated items. It really was sweet the time and effort they took from a simple request, EVEN though I reassured them, it would be ok. :)

Some crafts we did along the way: 
Tote bag



My kids ready to go

Inner Peace

I took a couple weeks to really dig down dig and decide what I wanted in life, enjoy my daughter, concentrate on getting ready for her party and celebrating the fact that she turned 5! (Yesterday).

I just can't believe how much she has grown into a wonderful sassy young lady. FIVE YEARS! Soon I'll also have a 1 year old.

I'll be posting separate posts on the last couple weeks but to catch up:
V and I did many halloween crafts.
R started walking
My niece (2 weeks youger) started walking.
My husband got 2 new jobs.
V had a Rapunzel Birthday Party.
V turned 5.

:) Check for more posts!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tribute to my little angels

I really had no intentions on publishing this post... but after my sister posted about it on her blog... I figure I'd share it with all of you.

October 15th is infant loss and remembrance day. 

I personally have 5 angels I care about, and two "rainbow babies". 

For those who don't know, a rainbow baby is a child born after the loss of another child. Thus the rainbow after the storm. 

I have written about my angels in the past. About my miscarriages. About my feelings. And I've linked the article below.

Every day I think about them. In fact, writing this, I've already cried a little. The fact that maybe I wouldn't have my daughter and son right now if I had them. What they would be like? Would I have gotten them either way with my two beautiful babies I have now? 

There will always be the "What ifs" in life. It's your choice to live through them or make them better. After living in the dark for so long after I lost the first set. I chose to wake up and yes, it is easy to fall back into when you've had multiple miscarriages like I have, but you HAVE to get back on your feet. Because your rainbow may hidden by the mountain. 

Please take a moment, and light a candle with me. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Trying to start the Journey... AGAIN

I swear I tell myself EVERYDAY that "todays the day". One of these days... it really will be. In the last week I have exercised a total of 5 hours.
Today I even took a 2 1/2 hour walk. Granted in was from the in laws to the park for a pumpkin festival, but it's not a close walk, haha.

I took some "before" and will take after pictures. I'm hoping the before pictures will be enough inspiration to get my butt in gear. I even took *gasp* NAKED pictures to help this process. (who else avoids full length mirrors haha)

Anyway, I welcome you to join me in my half a person weight loss journey!

And 75 pounds to go!

Creating a circle skirt - Tutorial

I created a skirt for a little girls first birthday party, and while I was pleased with it... it wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be.
I figured the easiest type of skirt would be a bubble skirt, and I had this AWESOME fabric that looked and felt JUST like Elmo!
We still don't know what this fabric is called... so we'll call it "cuddle, knit, minky, fur, costume fabric" It's very soft and stretchy and light. While this is a great type of fabric to work with for skirts... this particular fabric was NOT. 

The little girl I was creating this for had an 18 inch waist and wanted a 9 in length. So I went "old school". I took a pencil, on a string and did the circumference. In hindsight, I would FOLD the fabric in fourths first. I had a teacher in 8th grade who used to say MAKE MATH SIMPLE! So I will also try to explain that part as such. In my steps, I will include an EASIER way to do it AND the way I did it if there is both.

1 yard of fabric
Elastic for waist. I used actual waist band elastic. There are two ways to do the elastic and I'll include both. I found the way I did mine easier. BUT that's your call.
Fabric Marker
Sewing Machine
String (Optional)
Tracing paper/regular paper (Optional)


 1. Get your measurements. (Ie 18in waist, 9in length)

2. There is a "formula" for the skirt measurements., but in all simplicity to get the circumference, you need to Waist (18in),  + 2 (so 20) divided by 6.28.
so (18+2) / 6.28 = 3.18 inches

3. What would have been easier: On your tracing paper, put the ruler at the corner, Measure (3.18 inches) all the way around the corner. We are creating this in fourths, so it will be easier.
    What I did. I took a pencil and the fabric marker and added the string to it 3.18 in apart. I then drew on the actual fabric in a full circle. Sounds easy right? You do not get a straight circle unless you have a really steady hand.

4. Now you need the length. You want to take the desired length and add 2 inches for the hem. (top and bottom) If you do the elastic the opposite way I did, you do not need as much as a hem on the top. So measure accordingly.
   What would have been easier: Measure 11 inches (9+2) with your ruler on the tracing paper just like you did the waist measurement. Mark 11 in from the edge of the waist markings.
   What I did: From the center of the skirt, I measured 11 in out on the fabric and drew all the way around. You can now cut out your fabric on your lines. If you do this, skip step 5.

5. What would have been easier: Fold your fabric into fourths. Cut out your pattern, which looks like 1/4 of a donut. On the fold of your fabric, put the pattern down and trace onto the fabric. Cut out the fabric. You will have 1/4 of a donut, unfold once and you have a semi circle and unfold all the way and you will have a full circle. (Duh, I know)

6. At the bottom of the skirt measure 1 inch on the bottom all the way around and pin. Take your iron and iron the hem down. It will make it easier to sew. Sew all the way around. Iron the seam.

7. Do the same thing in step 6 to the top, except leave an opening for the elastic to go in. Take a safety pin and attach to the elastic which is waist plus an inch. (so 19inch in my case) and thread through the opening, pulling out the other side. If your model is available, pin the other side on the safety pin, try on your model and adjust the waist. If it fits, tack (sew together) and sew the hole closed. Iron the seam.
ALTERNATIVE. Instead of sewing the elastic inside the hole, you can get thick colorful elastic and just add to the inside top of the skirt. So the elastic will be touching the skin. 

8. Hold the skirt up and feel accomplished, you've just made a circle skirt!

Also use as a poncho!


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pumpkin Picking!!

The last couple of days we've spent as a family. Yesterday included pumpkin picking! It really is so nice to spend time as a family.
We went to one of our local farms that we've taken V to for the last few years. Usually we feed the animals, pick the pumpkins and have some icecream. This year we didn't do the ice cream because there were 3 school field trips.
We picked our pumpkins, V picked a $4 pumpkin, Hubs and I picked a $5 pumpkin and we picked a couple gourds and a small pumpkin for painting. We're planning on carving Ariel and Sophia the First.

For pumpkin seeds I usually do garlic and lemon.

What are your fall activities?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

16 Days of Halloween Crafts!

Each day, starting today, I'm going to do a halloween craft with my almost 5 year old daughter!

Today's activity we're going to do make a Pumpkin with paper links as a countdown to Halloween.

Each day I will post the pictures in the new page "halloween"

Other activities we'll be doing:

1. Jack-O-Lanterns on construction paper.
2. Tissue Paper Ghosts
3. Hooty Owl
4. Scary Pom Pom Bats
5. Milk Jug Ghosts
6. Paper Plate Ghosts
7. Egg Carton Bats
8. Mickeys Pumpkin Patch
9. Paper Plate Jack-o-Lantern
10. Monster Cup
11. Felt Pumpkins...great for traveling!
12. Foot Ghosts
13. Face off
14. Pumpkin and bat wreath
15 Black cat mask

If you know some other activities, please comment what you'll be doing! We're off on our way to make our pumpkin link!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Creating a Routine

Every child needs a solid routine. Something that gives them a structured schedule of what to expect. When children have this, their behavior tends to run smoother. The key is to not overwhelm them, because that will end in the opposite effect.

In our house we have a routine for V and a partial routine for R. R is only 9 months old, so there are days his schedule varies based on a number of factors, like teething. Which is currently taking place (we've sprouted tooth number 8)

Our Routine looks like this:

7am wake up. My daughter has a clock in her room to tell time (it's NOT digital. V knows her numbers, but she needs to be able to tell time both ways.) So she is not allowed to come into my room until the clock has the little hand on 7 and big hand on 12.
7am-8am: Most of the time, this time is spent in my bedroom. She'll play in front of the mirror, on my phone, or just lay in bed with me. It all depends on if R is awake yet. He usually wakes at 8.
8/830.: Breakfast. Breakfast includes cereal/toast and fruit. Sometimes eggs.
From then until R's first nap at 10, we do free play.
10am or whenever Rs first nap is (no later than 11) We watch a movie and eat snack.
12: Lunch
After lunch we go outside for a bit and then come in when R is ready for his second nap.
R naps and I do a few learning activities with V.
When he wakes up, there's more free play.
3/330: Snack time. V eats her snack faster than R so after snack V and I do a creative activity. (Keep posted for our halloween activities.
Finally, more free play.
6/630pm is dinner time.
730 is bed.

So my question, what is your routine like?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lawsuit on the NuvaRing?

I just found out about the NuvaRing lawsuit today which actually had to make me smile.

Before I got pregnant with the twins I had seen a Dr. at my practice. I did NOT care for her and requested never to see her again (this was the first and LAST time seeing her)
I had made this visit in October because I was about to stop nursing my daughter who was turning two in November. I was on what is known as the "mini pill" and was told to go onto regular birth control when I was stopping.
During my visit with this particular doctor I had expressed my feelings on the pill and how it was hard to remember to take it daily and was interested in alternate options. She kept pushing the NuvaRing on me! Told me over 10 times that I should take the NuvaRing (all of which I had expressed why I was refusing...seriously, the answer hadn't changed the whole time.) I asked about Mirena, the patch and other contraceptives but she would ONLY allow the NuvaRing. Coming out of that visit, I felt like she was being commissioned for it.
Whilst leaving, I made another appointment with my original doctor and did not take the NuvaRing, but the regular pill.

Fast Forward to today and I am now seeing advertisements about a lawsuit against the NuvaRing and it really makes me wonder how it would have effected me had I fallen into the pressure of this doctor. At that time I had felt cornered, and like I HAD to use this NuvaRing, but I stood my ground. Now, I am more than happy I did. In my past I have already been tested for DVT and blood clots. To see this?! Makes me wonder if I had taken it...would it have been worse for me?

Today is one of those days I will hug my babies just a little tighter.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Selling Childrens Items

I decided back in February that I was going to make cloth diapers for my son and after a lot of research, tons of information and some tax money, I went for it!!

Well that "little idea" has cost me more money that I could have ever imagined because NOW I know what co-ops are, I'm apart of MANY groups on Facebook that sell supplies or fabric, and I absolutely love to sew for my kids!

Upon my searches I figured "wow! I can make this into a business!" and so I did!

or so I thought...

Instead! I found a group on Facebook called "CD Compliance" a group DEDICATED to helping those of us "naive think we can do whatever we want people", and REALLY getting them (us) to think and even a bit...ok a LOT discouraged) After reading about the permanent or temporary tags, the woven or satin, the care and fabric, certificates required for testing...testing on my OWN... I thought "Holy crap! Is this what I want to do!?"
Of course the answer was yes.

So I got my tags, I got my labels. And away I went!

For those who don't know, CPSIA passed a law that helps protect children under 12 from hazards. This means that all products must be tracked to ensure the safety and to be recalled if needed. (Like the drop-side cribs). This is NOT a nuisance! This is to protect our children!

Below I added my first creations:

My very first attempt

Minnie Mouse dress I made for my daughter

First "real" diaper

Ribbon Blanket for my son

Of course my husband loves comics....

This was also made for my son... but my niece basically stole it ;) (shes 2 weeks younger)

Some of my favorite diapers

Also a favorite, sorry for the sideways shot! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Fighting Hashimotos Hypothyroidism

After trying and trying to lose weight, I'm giving up.

On that style ;)

I was diagnosed with Hashimotos  hypothyroidism 4 years ago. I've been taking medication and lately, it just doesn't seem to be working. Every so often I start reading more and more about it, especially because more studies come out everyday.
Two years ago I had done a "candida cleanse" and lost about 1 pound a day. Thinking back on that weight loss, and reading about cutting dairy, soy, and gluten, a lot of that I had cut for the cleanse.

So here I am taking a leap.
My goals:

Gluten Free
Dairy Free
(I'm already soy free...)
30 minutes of exercise 5-6 days a week
Lose 10% of body weight by September 27th (my parents 30th anniversary party) That's about 23 pounds.

Well I hope so!

Here's to the future! Follow my journey!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Getting back

Well it's been 3 months since I've written. R is 6 months old today. He's growing up so big! I feel like time is flying. Maybe it's because I'm not having any more after R, but he's sitting up and starting to crawl. My little baby is becoming a person :(

It's moments like that that get me to thinking. Over the last 3 months I haven't been able to do the exercises because of my back and neck. I keep hurting them lol. Eventually it will get better though. But it's times like these when I look at myself and think, if I plan on living a long healthy life with my babes, then I need to lose weight. Healthy and Fast.
So on to searching how I plan to lose weight and get healthy for my kids. My goal: to lose 50 pounds by December.

Friday, May 10, 2013


Today I took my measurements.

My Original Measurements

Upper chest  42.50
Lower chest (bust) 50
Upper hip 48.5
Lower Hip 51
Waist 44
Midriff 44
Upper thigh 31
Mid thigh 29
Calf  17
Upper Arm 15.5

MY new measurements

Upper chest -1 inch
Lower chest (bust) -.50 in
Upper hip -1.5 in
Lower Hip -2in
Waist Gained .5 inch
Midriff - 3.50 in
Upper thigh -2.5 in
Mid thigh -3.5 in
Calf stayed the same
Upper Arm stayed the same
Down 1 more pound

Difference between Ripped in 30 and Body Revolution

Day 3: Cardio
Must admit my absolute favorite. No time to kill in between and the 30 minutes goes by so fast. Even took about a 2 hour walk today around the mall. (total of 4 hours but I'm sure sitting and standing around need to be calculated lol)

All in all I feel GREAT!! Tomorrow is weigh in and measurements! :)

Ok so apparently someone got to my page googling "is jillian michaels ripped in 30 the same as body revolution" Which hey by all means if that's how I'm going to get traffic, awesome :)

So the difference between the 2.

First I haven't completed either of them but I do own and have watched all the worked outs in the first 2 weeks of both workouts. The Ripped in 30 DVD gets pretty intense but its easy stuff that does a lot of focusing on the abs. Also takes less time. So you do push ups, squats, leg lifts. You also NEVER see the same exercise twice! Which keeps the change of pace that much more worth it. Its also 20minutes a day for 30 days.

With BR, Its a 90 day program and 30 minutes. Which I feel means longer results. But theres 3 phases. (kind of 4 if you include the kick start diet I didn't do) Phase 1 starts with weeks 2-5 and has 5 dvds. Weeks 1 and 2 you do work out 1, 2, cardio, 1, 2, cardio rest. Weeks 3 and 4 workout 3, 4 cardio, 3, 4, cardio. Basically all of these carried on through the programs with the other consecutive dvds.

A lot of the exercises are the same! But its because they work. Keep in mind... if youre doing them in an apartment, its best if youre on the bottom floor ;)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Officially Started the Body Revolution...

So yesterday I OFFICIALLY started the body revolution. I was doing a great job last week and eating wonderfully. After this Saturday I just couldn't get back on that bandwagon AT ALL.
So today I really watched what I ate, stayed busy and thus far have only had 4 glasses of water (this is a goal for me... to drink 10 a day)

So Day 1. Couldn't finish. I had taken a 75 minute walk with my best friend husband and kids. Which wasn't planned, but I still wanted to do Jillian Michaels, because I really was just feeling GUILTY. I still also haven't taken my "naked" picture. I'm just not proud... this is also another goal. So I made it 23 minutes out of the 30. Yes, I know, those last 7 minutes!! However, I have sports asthma and had to keep stopping, so rather. I stopped short, allowed my asthma to rest and continued on today on phase 1 workout 2.

Day 2. Only have to stop 3 times for water (to keep my asthma at bay). Because my back and legs are bad (Back due to the epidural from having my son, legs because I screwed up my leg playing volleyball and need PT because the veins in my legs get locked and they have to release them.) I had to do modified versions of some of the exercises (one routine you put your leg over your knee and do pelvic thrusts. Well because of my leg it causes me physical pain.) So for these I just do extended pelvic thrusts.

Tomorrow is Day 3, Cardio 1. And Friday I weigh in and will take my measurements. Although at that point it will be for only have a week. I think I might stay on weeks one and 2 a few days longer only to start week three and four on a Sunday. (Saturday is my rest day since I work third shift)

Also tomorrow I think I might ad in Ripped in 30 in the morning/afternoon. We'll see though!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gripe water vs tummy soother

So there I am in rite aid after sharing a long and great afternoon celebrating the fact that my father will be 50 on Monday, (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!) My son had been upset for the good majority of the day. Which wasn't surprising after our night yesterday.
Let me give you a little insight. My son doesn't cry unless hes hungry or alone/wants to be picked up. Rarely crys. Ever. Last night he was wailing out crys of pain, tears coming down his eyes, the look of pure agony and selflessness, as well as the look of MOMMY FIX THIS! My poor baby! :( So who do you call when you know your baby has a gas bubble that won't come out? Your mum!
My mum had also never heard him cry like this and it was also heart wrenching to her. But alas, mother knows best. She told me to put a heating bad between us and it'll help. Lo and behold... IT DID!
So we were hoping that'd be the end of it.


All today we was whiney and uncomfortable. I knew about gripe water from a friend of mine when her baby was born. She talked highly about it. Not really caring back then because it was after I was told I couldn't have any more children, I just brushed it off. Well today I went to the store to get some.

Here I am. Pharmecy closed. Four different options in front of me. Name Brand Gripe Water. Or with flavor. Gentle Naturals Tummy Soothers and Little Remedies. Well the Little Remedies didn't have what I was looking for. So it was between these two brands. Of course I'm looking at price (Gripe: 12.50 Soothers: 6) I'm looking at active and other ingredients. I'm looking at what it helps. So I said you know what, buy both, try the cheaper one, if we don't like it, I'll bring it back.

Let me tell you. Within 2 minutes I saw a HUGE difference! It was like a miracle for babies! The Soothers does contain Fructose and isn't organic and vegan friendly like gripe water is. But honestly, for a $6 difference that works exactly the same, a little sugar won't kill him from time to time. And if he's happier for it, then my sanity is also happier!

Anyway, so far after 1 try I can't talk about this product enough and NO I'm not endorsed to say anything of this. It's my personal opinion.

To end this: Happy Birthday on Monday Daddy!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Starting Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and Ripped in 30 soon

Hello again!

So I took all my measurements but figured before I go "into it" I should change some of my eating habits. So I did just that this week and I am proud to say I went from 242 pounds to 237 :) GO ME!
So week 1: down 5 pounds.
This week I will be starting the Kickstart your metabolism. Obviously as close as I can because I do have to consider my son in feeding as well as I'm exclusively Breastfeeding.

I'll report my measurements from last week as well as this weeks to see if theres a difference later tonight or tomorrow.

Today I am celebrating my fathers 50th birthday which is on Monday. WOW! Both of my parents are turning 50 this year!
Have a great day!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

2013 update

First post of 2013. Lets try this again ;). I'll start with a Weekly Blog update Challenge instead of daily. Might be more attainable. Haha.

In the past few months, we moved to our new home. While it has its problems (what house doesn't) it is a great fit for our family of 4. Speaking of, in the beginning of January, I gave birth to a beautiful little boy. R. He's absolutely amazing and completed our family.

Currently at 4 months old he weighs 15 pounds. He is ebf too! Which is surprising. My little niece H was born just 2 weeks after R and she is only 11 pounds. Both of them are absolutely adorable.
V is doing great with R. She's a little too friendly though ;)

Now onto my next venture!

I plan on RESTARTING the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I started it last year and because of where we lived couldn't do it at certain times of the day. So now that we don't have downstairs neighbors and will have carpeting today, I'm going to start it tomorrow. So later today I will post with my measurements.

Until then, have a great morning!