Saturday, April 28, 2018

Joining weight watchers with Hashimotos after curing Hypothyroism.

Back in February of 2012 I came off my thyroid meds. Levothyroxine. I became pregnant with my son and knowing from past experience I knew their thyroid usually worked for mine. (according to my OBGyn).
My OB monitored my thyroid numbers very closely and advised I stay off. For the first year after my son was born I got my numbers tested every 6 weeks. Then every 6 months. Now yearly. My t3, t4 and tsh levels haven't budged enough that the doctors want to put me back on thyroid medication. But I STILL felt like crap.

Back in October 2017, my husband and I did an inflatable race. It was a 5k (that was more like a 10k if you add in how far the parking lot was). By the last half hour, I was sore, my ankles hurt, my fingers felt fat and huge. I was extremely uncomfortable. But I made it, and I was damn proud of myself. 

Until I looked at the pictures after. I was EXTREMELY swollen. This drew red flags and I went to google and searched everything to do with swelling. A lot of which brought me back to hypothyroidism and going gluten free. So October 2017, I became gluten "sensitive" (Meaning I understand a lot of my first will have cross contaminations). This was extremely hard for me as I love snacks, so for the first month I practically only ate soups and salads.

Finally my yearly blood draw came up. This time, I got my antibodies rechecked in Feb 2018 and they were CRAZY (not as crazy as when I was first diagnosed with Hashimotos Hypothyroidism). Except 9 years ago, they didn't really know there was a difference between the two. After talking to my endocrinologist, he has informed me that I have cured my hypothyroidism and now only have Hashimotos which can still cause me to go into a "remission" of sorts and get hypothyroidism back. UNLESS I continue to take care of the problem.
We also found out I was severely deficient in vitamin D (something that's common with Hashimotos). So now, 3 months later, and 6 months off Gluten, I feel better, MOST days. It's now time to get back in charge of my weight loss. The tools are in place. My hypothyroidism is gone, I have my Hashimotos mostly under control, my vitamin D levels should be close to normal (will check again in 7 weeks), and I have a Disney trip in less than 7 months I plan to take!

Weight watchers is doing a free month with select plans, so I thought, why not try this? Can't hurt right?

I've logged two days, I haven't starved myself and I'm amazed at the points I gain when I do eat something "naughty" (14 points for that 1/2 cup of alfredo sauce with my chicken and broccoli! HOLY COW!)

My goal is to lose 50 pounds in 200 days (just under 2 pounds a week) and 10 inches total. I'll post my measurements Sunday. Wish me luck! 

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