Monday, October 1, 2012

Birthday Party!

Today starts my first day as part of the $20 a day challenge. So far not so good. But I do have a couple people interested in my stockpile, which is nice. So we'll see how that turns out.

We're moving at the end of the month to a place thats almost triple the size of our location here. I had been worried about where I was going to have my almost 4 year olds birthday party. Now I can have it at the new house!

We're doing a Brave and Tangled main theme because she wants to be Rapunzel for Halloween. But will have other princess items and crafts. I truly am excited to see how all of this will come together. The movie comes out on November 13th and her birthday party is the 18th, so it'll work out perfect.

I have a board on pinterest with some ideas of what I'm going to do, there will be a post when the time comes of pictures and ways to put a Princess party together.

I also had Grand Jury today, we go once a week or every other week. If it wasn't a waste of my time, its actually pretty cool! Real life Law & Order!

Well that is all for today.


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