Sunday, October 13, 2013

Creating a Routine

Every child needs a solid routine. Something that gives them a structured schedule of what to expect. When children have this, their behavior tends to run smoother. The key is to not overwhelm them, because that will end in the opposite effect.

In our house we have a routine for V and a partial routine for R. R is only 9 months old, so there are days his schedule varies based on a number of factors, like teething. Which is currently taking place (we've sprouted tooth number 8)

Our Routine looks like this:

7am wake up. My daughter has a clock in her room to tell time (it's NOT digital. V knows her numbers, but she needs to be able to tell time both ways.) So she is not allowed to come into my room until the clock has the little hand on 7 and big hand on 12.
7am-8am: Most of the time, this time is spent in my bedroom. She'll play in front of the mirror, on my phone, or just lay in bed with me. It all depends on if R is awake yet. He usually wakes at 8.
8/830.: Breakfast. Breakfast includes cereal/toast and fruit. Sometimes eggs.
From then until R's first nap at 10, we do free play.
10am or whenever Rs first nap is (no later than 11) We watch a movie and eat snack.
12: Lunch
After lunch we go outside for a bit and then come in when R is ready for his second nap.
R naps and I do a few learning activities with V.
When he wakes up, there's more free play.
3/330: Snack time. V eats her snack faster than R so after snack V and I do a creative activity. (Keep posted for our halloween activities.
Finally, more free play.
6/630pm is dinner time.
730 is bed.

So my question, what is your routine like?

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